Mental Health and Wellbeing (MHWB)

At Egerton, Wellbeing is a school priority.

Our Wellbeing Lead is Miss Garvey

Our Senior Mental Health Lead is Mrs Taylor Wattam

Our PSHE lead is Miss McAlister

We have a 5 step tiered approach to support this area through:

  1. Quality First Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum for all - PHSE Jigsaw Curriculum (Please see 'Curriculum Tab' for further information). This includes direct teaching of PHSE. Each session includes a specific focus on a social and emotional target as well as time for children to connect with us, be mindful, undertake relaxation and have focussed calm time.
  2. Targeted support - supported by our dedicated ELSA Team (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants Mrs Bagnall, Mrs Bainbridge Sales) as well our Inclusion Team Teaching Assistants, who provide targeted work and support within lessons and small group focus sessions.
  3. Wider Strategies - these strategies include guiding additional targeted support in school, referrals to other professionals and specialists, signposting to information and organisations that can provide parents and carers with guidance and support.
  4. Bespoke Strategies - please liaise with Mrs Taylor Wattam. This approach is further supported by information shared in our 'Wellbeing Newsletter'. We will always listen and respond to the needs of our children and families.
  5. I-thrive Directory - Mental Health and Wellbeing is also supported through i-Thrive Mental Health and Wellbeing Director. This is a directory which provides clear information and sources of support at all levels these levels include - seeking: advice, help, more help and risk support. Parents can access this and we also use in school to undertake wider strategies and support for children and families. 

Wellbeing Curriculum

At Egerton Primary School, embedded with our PHSE Curriculum is an 'SEL' Social and Emotional Literacy Curriculum'. Please see under 'Curriculum' Tab link to PHSE. Our 'Safe and Happy' leaders meet twice each half term also to support keeping safe and feeling happy. 

Wellbeing Team

The Wellbeing Team incorporate school leaders, school teachers, staff, parents, governors and members of our PTA.  Please see Wellbeing Team Action Plan and Wellbeing Statement of Intent below.  Our Wellbeing Policy can be found on our 'Policies Tab' We have appointed a Wellbeing Lead (Miss Garvey). Mrs Taylor Wattam is our senior mental health lead. This role supports our whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing with the aim of supporting the mental wellbeing of pupils, students and staff, and best use of resources.  

Workshop, Information and Training Sessions

Please see the links and attachments which give information on support parents and carers can access from agencies the school works with.

If you have any questions related to the information, please contact Miss Garvey or Mrs Taylor Wattam via

Visyon is a charity that supports the mental health of children, young people and their families. They have some online sessions that parents can access here.

Just Drop In have opened a community space in Knutsford, they offer a counselling service for children aged 12-18 town days a week which can be accessed by calling 01625 665079. The are also offering the below sessions over the summer for parents:

  • Timid to Tiger - Running over 4 weeks starting on Thursday 14th September through to 5th October 1.30pm – 4pm. For more information or to book a place, please contact
  • Space for Autism (Macclesfield 01625 617884) you can email, they run 1:1 appointment sessions with Cheshire East Autism Team and the outreach team. Also parent training and children's club sessions.

Further Sources of Support for Wellbeing

Please find link to Cheshire East Mental Health for adults - advice, support, links. Full list:

Parent and/or Child Mental Health Agencies:

Mental Health Support for Families:

Parenting Advice from Child Mental Health Experts

Place2Be | Parenting Smart - This app covers a range of areas that can support and guide parents.

Advice from Emotional Health Charities

Visyon | Support for Parents - This charity supports the emotional health of children, young people and their families. Their family team advice includes parent webinars over Zoom which you watch live or watch recorded. Workshops for parents on lots of topics including children's sleep and transition to high school!

Parent Wellbeing

Anna Freud | Self-care for all parents and carers

Please also see attached:

  • Statement of Intent and Policy
  • Wellbeing Team Action Plan 
  • Vysion Parent Flyers 
  • Cheshire One You Wellbeing 

Cheshire East | Self-harm & Suicide Prevention | Support & Information

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