Welcome to Year 5
Our Class Teacher is Miss Garvey
In Geography, we will be investigating the following questions:
- How do the different lines of latitude, such as the Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, influence the climate and weather patterns of various regions around the world?
- In what ways do climate zones vary between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
- How can we use data, such as temperature and precipitation, to create a weather forecast for a specific climate zone, and what information is most important to include?
- Why might someone choose to live in a particular climate zone, and what persuasive techniques can be used to convince others of its benefits?
In Spring 1, the children in Year 5 will explore the different Climate Zones of the world. They will begin by exploring the lines of latitude and label them on a world map. They will then go on to explore the names of the Climate Zones of the globe and identify their features. They will use different sources of evidence to research data such as rainfall and temperature to create their own weather report. Finally, they will choose two of the world’s climate zones and compare and contrast them.
Class Novel and Pathways to Write
Class Novel and Pathways to Write Text
In our Pathways to Write unit, the children are going to explore 4 new mastery keys:
• Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely
• Use relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or an omitted relative pronoun
• Link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials
• Use commas to clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity in writing
The children are going to study the myth ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. They will begin by exploring the Norse world, before writing a character description of some key mythical characters. They will create their own free verse poem based on a magical object, as well as writing an alternative story opening to the book. All writing experiences will provide children with the opportunity to practice their mastery keys.
Our class artist this half term is Nerys Levy. The children will be practicing and building upon their painting skills to create a contemporary landscape design inspired by our key artist.
Children's Right And SDGs
The children will explore SDG 13 in the Spring term. They will investigate the impact of human activity on the climate, linking directly to their learning in Geography. As well as this, they will explore the effects of climate change on animals and their habitats, which feeds into their science topic: ‘Living things and their habitats.’
PSHE - Jigsaw Units for Spring 1 is Dreams and Goals
In year 5, the children’s Jigsaw topic is ‘Dreams and Goals’. They will begin the unit thinking forward to what they would like their lives to look like when they grow up, considering their hobbies and interests. They will then go on to explore different jobs and careers before considering what job they might like to purse when they are older. They will take part in research to understand the steps they may have to follow to achieve their dream role. In conjunction with this, the children will explore the importance of supporting each other when trying to achieve a dream or goal.
Please check our Curriculum map for more information. Remember to check Seesaw for posts about our learning, as well as announcements, homework and additional information.
Miss Garvey