Art & Design

At Egerton, we sometimes teach art and design in discrete lessons throughout the school. We also enhance our provision by giving the children the opportunity to take part in projects, often involving visitors. Many projects undertaken in other areas of the curriculum provide an opportunity to apply art and design skills.  

We aim to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Some elements of art may focus on the development of skills, with outcomes being experimental, others may simply involve appreciation of the work of others, whilst some others will include production of a more refined piece, developed over time.

Children will become increasingly proficient in expressing ideas through drawing, painting and sculpture and other craft tecniques as applicable to their focus of study. We encourage our pupils to appreciate and express their understanding of the work of great artists and designers, from a range of times and cultures. Visits to galleries or workshops in school will support such appreciation.

*Both Art and Design and Design and Technology use the term ‘design’. In Design and Technology this refers to design as a response to a functional need, often not their own: in Art and Design this refers to a personal response that may be an expression of emotion and communicates aesthetically with others.

Below, you will find the 'Curriculum and Outcomes' document attached for this subject. This document lists how the objectives of the National Curriculum are covered throughout each year group and each half-term. You will also find an overview of the subject areas covered and the key outcomes expected for each child to be considered working at the expected standard. Alongside this document, staff utilise the vocabulary and skills progression created by subject leaders during their planning and assessment. These progression documents are in place to ensure that all learning is differentiated appropriately, builds upon previous years and leads into the next, and fully covers the National Curriculum and beyond.

Updated: 04/03/2025 1.14 MB