Welcome to Year 2
Our Class Teacher is Miss Thorpe
Our topic this half term is: Fire, Fire! The Great Fire of London.
Our key driver subject this half term is: History.
Year 2 will delve into the fascinating history of The Great Fire of London through five key enquiry questions. They will investigate how the fire started, exploring life in 17th-century London and the conditions that contributed to the disaster. Pupils will explore what happened during the Great Fire, learning about key events and the experiences of those who lived through it. They will analyse historical evidence, including Samuel Pepys’ famous diary, to understand how we know about this significant event. By investigating why the fire spread so quickly, they will consider the impact that London’s narrow streets and wooden houses had.
This topic will ignite curiosity and help children develop a rich understanding of this defining chapter in London’s history. As part of this exciting unit, Year 2 will be visiting Weaver Hall for a Great Fire of London day. During the trip, pupils will take part in hands-on activities and interactive workshops to deepen their understanding of the events and aftermath of the fire.
Our Key Enquiry Questions:
- How did the Great Fire start?
- What happened during the Great Fire?
- How do we know what happened during the Great Fire?
- Why did the fire spread so quickly?
- How should we rebuild houses to stop the Great Fire from happening again?
This term in Science, Year 2 will investigate the fascinating topic of 'The Uses of Everyday Materials.' They will identify and compare the suitability of various materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper, and cardboard, for different purposes. Pupils will also explore how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting, and stretching. Through hands-on scientific enquiries, including testing, observing, and classifying, children will develop their understanding of how materials are used in the world around them. This learning will help pupils to think critically about the properties of materials and how they can be adapted to suit specific needs. Year 2 will also learn about the work of John Loudon McAdam (1756–1836), a famous scientist and engineer.
Our class text in our Pathways to Write unit this half term is: 'The Great Fire of London’ by Emma Adams and James Weston Lewis. This Spring, Year 2 children will develop their writing and grammar skills through the captivating book The Great Fire of London by Emma Adams and James Weston Lewis. While exploring this historical text, they will focus on using co-ordination (but, or), turning adjectives into adverbs by adding -ly, and correctly using commas to separate items in a list. These skills will be applied across a variety of writing genres, including vivid descriptions, clear instructions, a diary entry, and an informative report as their final piece. Through these activities, pupils will bring the events of the Great Fire to life and develop their confidence as writers.
Our class novel is Toby and the Great Fire of London by Margaret Nash and Jane Cope. This is a beautifully illustrated story that brings the events of the Great Fire to life through the eyes of a young boy. This engaging book will help children deepen their understanding of the historical event while building their reading and comprehension skills.
Dreams and Goals
Year 2 children will focus on the PSHE Jigsaw unit 'Dreams and Goals.' This unit encourages children to set realistic goals and explore the steps needed to achieve them. They will discuss the importance of perseverance when faced with challenges and reflect on their strengths as learners. The children will also learn about working collaboratively, considering who they work well with and how to overcome difficulties in teamwork. Finally, they will celebrate their successes and discuss the joy of sharing achievements with others, helping to build resilience, self-confidence, and positive relationships.
Climate Action
Year 2 will learn about Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), which is all about taking care of our planet. They will explore how things like pollution and waste can harm the Earth and how we can help by recycling, saving energy, and looking after nature. The children will understand that by making small changes in their daily lives, they can help protect the environment and make the world a better place for everyone.
Health, Water, Food, Environment
Year 2 will learn about Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which says that children have the right to the best possible health, clean water, nutritious food, and a safe environment. They will explore how staying healthy, drinking clean water, and eating good food help them grow strong and happy. The children will also understand how important it is to look after the planet to make sure everyone has what they need to live well.
Our PE days for this half term are: Wednesdays and Fridays. If there are any changes, I will inform you with plenty of notice. Homework will be handed out on a Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Friday.
Miss Thorpe