School Uniform

We are proud of the high standards that we set for our pupils’ appearance and appreciate your support in this. The school uniform is:

  • A red school sweatshirt or cardigan with Egerton School logo (required)
  • A white polo shirt with Egerton School logo or a plain white polo shirt (required)
  • Grey or black trousers/grey skirt (required)
  • Sensible dark-coloured shoes (required). NB Trainers should not be worn for school
  • In the summer pupils may wear plain grey or black shorts, or wear red and white checked summer dresses
  • Pupils with shoulder length hair must tie it back

All items of clothing and footwear must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. This must be relabelled when faded.

School uniform is available to buy online, you can also purchase fleeces and the smart, waterproof Egerton coat.

PE and Games Kit

This consists of red t-shirt, black shorts or joggers/all black non-branded leggings and black pumps.  Trainers are permitted for outdoor games. The children will be told which days to bring their kit. Every effort must be made not to forget this as they cannot take part without the appropriate kit.

Swimming lessons take place in KS2 (Years 3,4 and 5). This is a compulsory aspect of the PE curriculum. Swimming hats must be worn.

Additional Information

Jewellery is not appropriate for school as it can present a hazard in many situations. Therefore no jewellery should be worn for school. This includes bands/bracelets. If a child has pierced ears then a small pair of studs may be worn. Children are permitted to wear watches but the school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage and they must be removed for PE. Nail varnish or temporary tattoos must not be worn for school.