Admissions for current school year
Egerton Nursery is open to children from two years old until they leave to go to reception class. The final start date for this school year is April (after the Easter holidays).
Parents are welcome to make enquiries and register their interest for a place in the nursery class whenever they wish. Although we do our very best to provide places for all children, early expression of interest does not necessarily guarantee a place.
All children are placed on a waiting list. If more children apply than the number of places available, children will be placed in order of age (oldest first) and then priority will be given to:
- Children who have older siblings who attend Egerton Primary School
- Children living in its catchment area.
- Children living outside the catchment area.
A place at Egerton Nursery does not guarantee the offer of a place at Egerton Primary School.
(Applications for a reception class place is via Cheshire East Council website during the Autumn term before the September start date).
We will be in touch approximately a half term before the starting date and a visit will be offered. If the place is accepted, then one induction visit is arranged during the half term before the starting date. The induction visit allows children and their parents/carers to meet the staff and their new playmates, see the routine and become familiar with the nursery.
Initially two-year-olds will be offered 2-5 mornings (9am-12), sessions available will depend on numbers at that time.
Full day care (9am-3pm) is only available once children turn 3 years old and are ready for full days in our busy Nursery environment. The hours offered to these children will be over 15 hours (2.5 days). Any extra sessions/days in addition to these full days will be offered subject to demand and/or availability.
The term after the child turns 3, if they are eligible they may be offered up to 30 hours (5days). NB. Children are prohibited to attend for one day a week only.
We are an inclusive setting and welcome all children, however it is essential that you advise us before your child starts, of any additional needs or concerns you may have regarding your child’s development. Or any professionals such as speech and language therapists or agencies such as social workers involved with your family. This will enable us to ensure we can meet all your child’s needs and put in place any additional support they may need.
To check our current availability please email or call 01565 213127 (Option 3 for Nursery) or 01565 652340 and speak with Andrea or Louise.
If you would like to be placed on our waiting please download, fill out, and return the below enquiry form above as soon as possible.
An administration fee of £25.00 is required; except for children who are in receipt of the disadvantaged 2 year old funding. Please note this is not the same as the new working families 2 year funding.
Any child applying for a place when they are already in receipt of their 2, 3 and 4 year old funding, their registration fee will be refunded to them on their first invoice. Also if a place can NOT be offered to your child this fee will be refunded.
Admissions from or after September 2025
Please note the following changes from September 2025:
- We will have places available for 2 year olds, immediately following their 2nd birthday.
- The sessions we offer will run as follows:
Parents can choose for children to attend either:
- 15 hours a week – start of the week, all day Monday, all day Tuesday 8.50am - 3.15pm and Wednesday morning 8:50am - 11:50am
- 15 hours a week – end of the week, Wednesday afternoon from 12:15pm - 3.15pm, all day Thursday and all day Friday 8.50am - 3.15pm
- 30 hours – 5 full days 8.50am – 3.15pm
If you wish to apply for a place at Egerton Nursery for your child, starting from or after September 2025, please use the enquiry form below:
Nursery Enquiry Form Sept2025
If you would like to come and meet us and have a look around, please either call or email
Tel: 01565 213127 (Option 3 for Nursery) or 01565 652340
To apply for a place please complete our form and return by email.
Egerton Nursery
Bexton Road
WA16 0EE