
The National Curriculum states “music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity”. At Egerton, we believe that music is an integral part of the curriculum; as this universal language brings children together regardless of background or disposition and allows them to express themselves and be their most creative self.  

We strive to take children on a musical journey that will provide them with a wide scope of the music in our world.  The aims of our curriculum is to enable children to:  

  • To use their voices expressively and confidently to sing as a class, in small groups or individually  
  • To listen to a range of different music styles, genres and traditions and evaluate these using specific language of the inter-dimensions of music  
  • To understand how music is created and compose their own short pieces using both tuned and un-tuned instruments 
  • To have the opportunity to learn different tuned instruments   
  • To perform songs and compositions with confidence  

Children are encouraged to develop their own thoughts and opinions of music around us and it is important to us that children don’t see music in isolation. Instead, they are encouraged make the connections between music in school and the wider world by listening to music of all different genres, traditions and cultures.   

Our music curriculum is enriched further by providing children with wider experiences in school such as musical visitors, trips and the opportunity for children to learn a selection of instruments throughout their time with us. In Year 2, the children learn to play the recorders. The children continue this in Year 3 before exploring the P-Buzz in Year 4. In Year 5 and 6, the children will be given a choice of woodwind or brass instruments that they will learn how to play throughout upper key stage 2. In addition to this we also have the choir which is run weekly by two teachers.  

We aspire for our children to develop a passion and love for the subject that makes up such a huge part of our ever-changing world and it is our role to harness and provide high quality learning opportunities for them to shine.  

Below, you will find the 'Curriculum and Outcomes' document attached for this subject. This document lists how the objectives of the National Curriculum are covered throughout each year group and each half-term. You will also find an overview of the subject areas covered and the key outcomes expected for each child to be considered working at the expected standard. Alongside this document, staff utilise the vocabulary and skills progression created by subject leaders during their planning and assessment. These progression documents are in place to ensure that all learning is differentiated appropriately, builds upon previous years and leads into the next, and fully covers the National Curriculum and beyond.

Music Documents

Updated: 10/10/2024 535 KB
Updated: 10/10/2024 34 KB