Egerton Primary School Climate Action Plan: 2024-27

What is a Climate Action Plan?

In April 2022, the Department for Education released a sustainability and climate change strategy specifically for education. By 2025, all education settings are expected to appoint a sustainability lead and develop a climate action plan. This plan will guide schools in both implementing and educating about various sustainability initiatives.

Our climate action plan has been created collaboratively by the headteacher, deputy head, the global learning lead, the chair of governors, and the lead governor for sustainability.

Why Do We Want to Act?

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Our ethos is deeply rooted in preparing our pupils for a sustainable future while celebrating our local heritage. The core belief, “Global Awareness - Local Responsibility,” captures our commitment to thinking globally and acting locally to address the climate crisis. We strive to equip our students with the understanding and tools to make a positive impact on the world.

Respect and care for the environment have always been integral to our school culture. We are fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful green spaces in Knutsford, and through our outdoor learning and Forest School programs, students regularly engage with and appreciate the natural world.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are woven throughout our curriculum, ensuring that our students develop a comprehensive understanding of environmental responsibility. When studying national parks, such as the Peak District, children learn about protecting life on land (SDG 15).


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In Local Area studies, we emphasise land use and community impact, linking to SDG 11, "Sustainable Cities and Communities," by asking questions like "Is there enough parking in our area?" Through topics like Weather and Seasons and Rivers, we address climate patterns and water preservation, tying into SDG 13, "Climate Action," and SDG 6, "Clean Water and Sanitation."

When exploring Natural Disasters such as volcanoes and earthquakes, we discuss the human and environmental impact, teaching students to respect and prepare for natural forces, which ties into building resilience against climate change. Our Biomes unit engages students with SDG 15, "Life on Land," as they conduct fieldwork to determine whether our school grounds support local wildlife sufficiently. This hands-on investigation promotes environmental stewardship. Africa and Asia studies bring awareness to global environmental diversity, examining how regions like Kenya and India adapt to their landscapes, relating to SDG 15. In exploring Contrasting Localities, such as London and Canberra, we encourage a deeper understanding of global interconnectedness and sustainable urban planning. Additionally, Climate Zones and the significance of regions like North America's Rocky Mountains reinforce the importance of preserving natural ecosystems, fulfilling SDG 13.

Environmental education is further embedded through topics such as oceans and continents, exploring the impact of natural disasters, investigating polar regions, and promoting sustainable food practices. We also inspire our students by learning about environmental champions like David Attenborough, who exemplify the importance of protecting our planet.

However, given the escalating climate crisis, the impact on children’s mental health, and the necessity for our students to develop skills relevant to life in the 2030s, we recognize that more must be done. Our climate action plan is a core component of our overall school development strategy and one of our key governance objectives. We will review it regularly, ensuring our environmental impact is considered in every decision—whether daily operational choices or long-term strategic planning. By embodying sustainable practices, we will demonstrate the respect we hold for our planet and model the importance of environmental stewardship.

How will we deliver this climate action plan and monitor progress?

Our climate action plan will focus on four key areas: decarbonisation, adaptation and resilience, biodiversity, and climate education and green skills. Each of these areas will have clear objectives, with specific actions outlined for the current academic year.

Our entire school community – students, staff, parents, and the wider local community – will work collaboratively to bring this plan to life. Engaging with everyone, listening to their ideas, and involving them in our green initiatives is crucial. We will continue to build on existing relationships and forge new partnerships, leveraging shared resources and support to help meet our sustainability goals.

The delivery of our climate action plan will be overseen by the governing body, with regular monitoring conducted by our
sustainability lead governor. To ensure the plan is implemented effectively, we will provide staff with the necessary time and resources to develop and carry out the actions. Specific members of staff will be identified as leads for key elements of the plan.

This overarching climate action plan will be reviewed and updated every three years to reflect progress and evolving needs. On an annual basis, we will set new goals and assess our progress, ensuring we are on track to meet our sustainability targets. Regular termly reviews will help keep us focused and accountable as we work towards our long-term vision.


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