Welcome to Egerton Nursery

A warm welcome to our Nursery class.

We have been on the Primary school’s site for 32 years and have recently merged with the school as their Nursery class. As Manager, I lead the Nursery and I am an Early Years Teacher/Early Years Professional (level 6) and have worked here for 25 years.

I am extremely proud of our little nursery class and our outdoor environment, in particular our extensive woodland garden which I believe to be unique. We offer wrap around care and we are open 47 weeks of the year.

We build strong relationships with our families and work together to provide a happy and safe place for children to learn as they play.

Our aim is when children move onto Reception class they are happy, confident and independent, that they are also progressing well in all areas of development and are more than ready for the next stage on their journey through school.

If you would like to learn more about our Nursery provision please contact us on 01565 213127 (option 3) or email nursery@egerton.cheshire.sch.uk for more information, or to arrange a visit.

Andrea Jackson, Nursery Manager

Our Day

Morning sessions 9am - 12 noon       

Afternoon session 12pm - 3pm

Lunch is part of the afternoon session and is eaten at around 12.10pm

What do we need to bring?

Please provide the following, making sure everything is labelled with your child’s name:

  • water bottle filled with fresh water everyday
  • if staying all day a healthy packed lunch with ice packs – see information pack for further details
  • warm coat/raincoat 
  • welly boots (to be kept at nursery)
  • spare clothes as your child will get dirty (t-shirt, jumper/cardigan, trousers/leggings, socks/tights, pants)
  • warm hat, scarf for winter
  • sun hat for summer

Nursery Information Pack

Updated: 02/12/2024 322 KB

Funding & Additional Charges

We offer the government “free” hours (15 or 30).  The use of the word “free” is misleading because there is a cost to childcare providers for offering this service.

The government funding paid to nursery only covers the actual cost of the childcare, with no additional costs met for resources, hygiene supplies, snack, sun screen and on-line learning journals.

In-line with other settings in Knutsford, we ask all our families who are accessing the “free” funded hours to pay the additional charge.

Here at Egerton Nursery we have always had our families best interests at heart, we have kept these additional charges to an absolute minimum and ask for £1.25 for every funded hour.  We hope you understand we need to cover our costs so that we can continue to serve our community by providing experienced, qualified staff and delivering excellent early years care and education.

Children who have been in receipt of new disadvantaged 2 year funding and used this funding at Egerton Nursery will be exempt from this charge and if any parents have concerns that they may not be able to cover this cost please approach Louise or Andrea confidentially.

Please be aware if you child is absent through sickness or wish to take holidays during term time, the additional charge will still apply.

To check if you are entitled to new disadvantaged 2 year funding, please call 0300 123 5033.

All children are entitled to 15 hours funding the term after they turn 3, if you think your family may be entitled to the new working family 2 year funding or 3 & 4 year old 30 hours funding, please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to check your eligibility.

Egerton Nursery Fee Structure 2024-2025    

Nursery Fees Over 3s 2-year olds
3-hour Session £19.50 £24.00 (9am - 12pm only)
Lunch Club 12pm - 1pm £6.50 £8.00
Full Day (9am - 3pm) £39.50 n/a
Before / After School Club* Fees Over 3s 2-year olds
From 7.45am including breakfast £8.00 n/a
From 8.30am £4.00 n/a
Until 3.30pm £4.00 n/a
Until 5pm including light tea £10.00 n/a

*Only available if toilet trained

Holiday Club Fees

Please note Holiday Club will only run if demand is sufficient - parents will be given plenty of notice if demand isn’t met.

Additional charges of £1.25 per funded hour will be incurred for stretched funding during holiday club

  Over 3s 2-year olds
9am - 3pm £39.00 n/a
9am - 12pm £19.50 £24.00
9am - 1pm £26.00 £32.00