Welcome to Year 1
Our Class Teachers are Mrs. Sumser and Mrs. Brady
We will be investigating the following questions:
1. Can all birds fly?
2. What animal group do we (humans) fit into?
3. Do animals have the same body parts and senses as us?
4. Are all mammals carnivores?
5. How do you look after a guinea pig?
Science is our driver subject this half term as we learn about fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals! We will learn about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and the basic parts of the human body, understanding which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Class Book and Pathways to Write Text
‘The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth’ by Ellie Hattie and James Mountford will inspire our writing this half term. Throughout the unit, we will learn to join words and clauses using and, punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark and add suffixes where no change is needed to the root word e.g. -ed, -ing, -er, -est. Our final piece of writing, combining all the learnt skills, will be to write a story based on the structure of ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth’ with a change of character.
Jigsaw Unit for Spring 2 – Healthy Me
During our Healthy Me unit, we will explore the importance of looking after ourselves and identify ways to keep our body’s safe and healthy. We will look at how medicine can help us feel better when used safely. In addition to this, we will look at how to keep safe when crossing the road, and about people who can help us to stay safe.
Children's Right and SDGs
Our children’s rights focus is Right 13 - a child's right to sharing their opinion and have it listened to. The children will understand that their views and contributions are valued, particularly during our PSHE sessions. Additionally, children will explore Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 15). SDG 15 aims to promote protection of life on land in all its forms and the environments that support it. The children will connect their learning in Science and Geography to understand this SDG further.
Remember to check Seesaw for posts about our learning, as well as announcements, homework and additional information.