Welcome to Year 6

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Sedgwick

Our Curriculum


In Geography, we will be investigating the following questions:

1) What is life like in Brazil?

2) Why did the England football team not want to play in Manaus?

3) Why is the majority of the Brazilian population located in the cities?

4) How do the lives of people in Brazil compare to lives of people in the UK?

5) What are the lives of the Awa tribe like?

In Spring 1, Year 6 will explore the fascinating geography of Brazil through five key enquiry questions. They will investigate what life is like in Brazil, delving into its diverse culture, climate, and landscapes. Pupils will examine why the England football team was reluctant to play in Manaus, learning about the challenges posed by its tropical climate and remote location. They will analyse the factors that have led to the majority of Brazil’s population residing in cities, considering urbanization and economic opportunities. Comparing the lives of people in Brazil to those in the UK, students will develop a deeper understanding of similarities and differences in lifestyle, resources, and environment. Finally, they will study the Awa tribe, gaining insight into the unique traditions, challenges, and ways of life of indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest. This unit will provide a rich and comparative understanding of Brazil's geography and its people.


Class Novel and Pathways to Write Text


In English, Year 6 will be reading Can We Save the Tiger? by M. Jenkins and using it as a foundation for developing their writing skills, particularly in creating hybrid texts that blend factual information with persuasive elements. Pupils will focus on using expanded noun phrases to convey complex ideas concisely and applying persuasive language to engage and influence readers. They will learn to link ideas across paragraphs with cohesive devices and employ organizational features that enhance clarity. Key grammar and punctuation skills will include the use of passive verbs, modal verbs, adverbs to indicate possibility, and parenthesis (brackets, dashes, or commas) to add detail. Through careful vocabulary selection, they will clarify technical terms, appeal to the reader, and adapt formality to suit the audience and purpose. Pupils will also refine their ability to present well-developed factual information and craft a summarizing statement that encapsulates their ideas effectively.

In Spring, our class novel will be The Explorer by Katherine Rundell, an exciting adventure set in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. This story follows a group of children who survive a plane crash and must navigate the wild, learning to work together and adapt to the challenges of the jungle. Through this book, we will explore themes of survival, resilience, and teamwork while discovering the incredible biodiversity of the Amazon. The Explorer also highlights the importance of protecting natural habitats and respecting the environment, tying in perfectly with our learning about sustainability and global responsibility.

Children's Right and SDGs