School Lunches

A Healthy School!

Egerton has been credited with The National Healthy Schools’ Award. We actively encourage the children to lead a healthy life and promote healthy eating, good hygiene and a positive approach to taking responsibility for caring for their bodies throughout all aspects of their learning. We also work closely with the School Health Team who do come into school to work alongside us. It is important that parents support and endorse this approach to the children’s learning to invest in them having a healthy future.

All children are encouraged to bring in their own plastic bottle filled with water each day. These stay in their classroom so that they can remain hydrated throughout the day. They may drink water from the water fountains and they can refill their water bottles too (strictly no fruit juice or squash).

It is our policy to encourage children to eat a healthy diet. All Reception and Infant children are given a piece of fruit during their morning play and reception children receive milk every day. Junior children may bring their own healthy snack from home.


Many of our children have a school lunch which is cooked on the premises daily.  Children can choose to buy a hot school meal or during the summer term a prepared packed lunch (Clever Cat Bag!). These cost £3.20 per day and both represent excellent value for money.  Payment by ParentPay 

Peanut allergies are extremely serious. As such Egerton children and staff are encouraged to make every effort not to bring into school foods that contain nuts. All food used by the school kitchen is nut free. This is very difficult to enforce and monitor but if a commitment is given by all of our parents, pupils and staff, this can contribute hugely to reducing the level of risk.

Packed lunches may be brought to school if preferred. These should be in a clearly named container.  Glass bottles and containers should not be brought in.  Children must also bring any necessary cutlery.  A healthy packed lunch is encouraged to provide a balanced diet.

Packed lunches must not include

  • Nuts or any food containing nuts
  • Sweets or chocolate

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