Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Following research, we have chosen Jigsaw  as it enables us to deliver a high quality curriculum. Embedded within each lesson are strands of social and emotional learning and wellbeing, which compliments our ethos at Egerton.

This is reflected in our Wellbeing Policy also and Statement of Intent for Wellbeing, which can both be found on our policies page.

Each lesson includes a Jigsaw class toy to support discussion and games, calm me time, pause time, connect me time and mindful moments to support children’s wellbeing also. The lessons will build children’s emotional literacy, self-esteem and knowledge of who they are and how they relate to each other and the world in a positive and healthy way. Jigsaw lessons are adapted so that all children can access, including children with Autism, supporting social communication and interaction and emotional wellbeing. 

This year we have established a Wellbeing Team, that involves, pupils, staff, parents and governors and Jigsaw enables us to deliver a high quality curriculum, which support children’s wellbeing through strategies taught and displayed and through talking with children about their wellbeing.

PSHE Whole School Overview and Puzzle Pieces

  • Jigsaw Units (Puzzles include: Being Me In My World, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships, Changing Me.
  • Our Spring Term 2 Puzzle unit and area of study will be Healthy Me.
  • The Summer Term Puzzles (units) are about Relationships (unit 1, Summer Term 1) and Changing Me (unit 2, Summer Term 2).

RSHE - Relationship and Sex Education and Health Education, Changing Me Puzzle

The Changing Me Puzzle includes, in every year group, 2 or 3 lessons to help children understand the changes puberty brings and how human reproduction happens. There is a very serious safeguarding aspect to this work and obviously the younger year groups are not looking at these issues directly and explicitly but rather learning correct terminology for body parts and doing the foundation work for later year groups. The Year 4, 5 and 6 lessons look more fully at puberty and human reproduction. This work is vitally important for children, delivered age-appropriately and the Jigsaw Programme gives us a secure framework in which to do this.  

The Changing Me Puzzle unit, with aspects that include right to withdraw (Years 4,5 6) is taught in Summer Term 2. 

Please find information leaflets below for you to access, for further information. 

Curriculum Lead PHSE/RSE and Wellbeing Lead is Mrs Elizabeth Broadbent.

PSHE and RSE Documents

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