Welcome to Year 3!

Our Class Teacher is Miss McAlister

Welcome back... I hope everyone is rested and ready to go!

This half term, our key driver subject is History! Our topic is "tribal tales" and we will learn about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. The children will explore the stone-age period when humans started to live in Europe followed by the bronze and Neolithic age as communities became more domesticated. 

Our Enquiry Questions Are: 

  • Was Stone Age man simply a hunter-gatherer, concerned only with survival?
  • What were the biggest changes that developed during the New Stone Age?
  • What was it like to live in the Bronze an Iron Age?
  • What were the main changes between the Stone and Bronze Age?
  • What were the main changes between the Bronze and Iron Age?


Our Pathways to Write Book this half term is: Seal Surfer





Our Jigsaw Puzzle Piece is: Being Me in My World





Children's Rights and SDG's for this term: Quality Education 

Article 8 of the UNCRC says that States Parties undertake to respect the right of the child to preserve his or her identity, including nationality, name and family relations as recognised by law without unlawful interference.



PE days for this half term is Wednesday and Thursday, if the children could please come to school in their PE kit. 

Homework will be given each Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Thursday (please make sure your child's name is clearly visible). Please make sure to check Seesaw for regular updates about our learning, homework and announcements.

Miss McAlister 

Year 3 Documents

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