Welcome to Year 4

Our Class Teachers are Miss Capper and Mrs Levinsohn

Topic this half term is - RIVERS 

This promises to be an exciting and creative half term, filled with opportunities to develop imagination and improve writing skills!

Key Questions:

1. What is the journey of a river and does it ever change?

2. Are rivers important to humans and animals?

3. Is there a reason why rivers flood and do they flood in certain area more than others?

4. Why are some areas of the world without access to clean water?

5. Are humans causing damage to rivers?


This half term, The children will be diving into the fascinating topic of rivers and discovering why they are so important to the world around us. They will begin by exploring what a river is, learning how it forms, and understanding the journey it takes from its source to its mouth. Along the way, the children will identify the key features of a river, such as meanders, waterfalls, and estuaries, and label them on diagrams to help us picture the complete course of a river.

As the children learn more, they will take a closer look at rivers both near and far. They will also name some of the rivers in their local area and the UK, before exploring famous rivers across the globe, including the world’s longest rivers.

The children will explore how humans use rivers in many different ways, such as for transport, farming, and providing drinking water. In some parts of the world, rivers are essential for survival, and they will learn why this is the case. The children will also think about how rivers shape the land, changing from steep and fast in the upper stages to wide and slow as they reach the mouth.

As The children journey through the topic, they will also consider why protecting rivers is so important and finally The children will explore where water is stored in the natural world, such as in rivers, lakes, and glaciers, and learn how it is used in their daily lives.


This half term, the children are going to uncover the mysteries of solids, liquids, and gases. What makes a solid hold its shape? Why do liquids flow, and how do gases spread out?

The children will also explore how materials can change state when they are heated or cooled, learning about key temperatures like water freezing at 0°C or boiling at 100°C. They will discover how these changes, such as melting and freezing, are reversible and how evaporation and condensation are key parts of the water cycle.

As they dive deeper, The children will find out how temperature affects evaporation and examine what happens to particles in solids, liquids, and gases.

Class Novel and Pathways to Write Text

The children will be diving into the exciting story of Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit. Through this book, they will explore the dramatic events that unfolded in Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted. To bring the story to life, Year 4 will take part in engaging drama activities to understand the thoughts and emotions of the characters. The children will use their senses to enhance their writing, making it vivid and immersive.

Pupils will write a variety of texts, including setting descriptions, letters, and diaries, building up to their final piece—a retelling of the story from the perspective of one of the main characters. Alongside this, the children will develop key grammar skills. They will revisit fronted adverbials to structure their writing effectively, work on expanding their vocabulary to make it rich and varied, and practice using speech punctuation accurately to bring dialogue to life. To complement their learning, they will also enjoy listening to Tiger Boy by Mitali Perkins

Children's Rights and SDGs 

 This half term, the children will be exploring important topics that connect to Children’s Rights and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The children will focus on Article 15 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which highlights every child’s right to join groups and make friends. Through discussions and activities, they will explore what this means for us in school, in their communities, and around the world, and why it is important for every child to feel included and connected.

The children will also learn about SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, which aims to ensure that everyone has access to safe water and sanitation. Pupils will investigate how clean water affects health, education, and well-being, and think about ways they can contribute to protecting water resources and supporting global efforts.

These topics will help us think about fairness, responsibility, and how The children can play a part in making the world a better place.


During their Jigsaw lessons, Year 4 will focus on building motivation, resilience, and teamwork through a series of engaging activities. The children will begin by thinking about their hopes and dreams, learning how to stay motivated when facing challenges. They will then explore how to handle disappointment, understanding that not all dreams come true and reflecting on ways to overcome setbacks. As they move forward, the children will create new goals and discover how a positive attitude can help them achieve success. Through teamwork activities, they will break tasks into steps and work together to achieve shared goals, learning the importance of collaboration. To finish, pupils will celebrate their achievements, reflecting on how their individual and group efforts have contributed to their success. This journey will help them develop valuable skills for their personal and social growth.

Please check our Curriculum map for more information. 

Remember to check Seesaw for posts about our learning, as well as announcements, homework and additional information.

Mrs Levinsohn and Miss Capper

Year 4 Documents

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