Year 3 2023 - 2024

Miss Thorpe

  Welcome to Year 3! 

Welcome to Year 3's class page. 

This half term, our  key driver subject is Geography! Our  topic is 'España'  and we will be learning all about Spain. The children will explore where Spain is, the capital city, the human geography of Spain, the physical geography of Spain and compare to the UK. The children will also conitnue their learning of the 'Local History of Knutsford' in their History lessons as well as their learning of 'Light' in Science. 

Our enquiry questions are: 

1. Where are London/Madrid located and how would we get there from where we are?
2. What can we learn about places from where they are in the world? (i.e. climate, weather)
3. What are the key physical (topographical) features of London/Madrid and how do they differ? (physical geography)
4. What attracts tourists to visit London/Madrid?
5. What can we learn about the culture of Spain and the UK from these cities? (human geography) 

Our Pathways to Write Book this half term is: A Stage full of Shakespeare Stories 

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Children's Rights and SDG's for this term:

Our Jigsaw Puzzle Piece is: Changing Me

Changing Me.jpg


Article 29 – Aims of Children's Education

Article 29 of the UNCRC says that a child or young person's education should help their mind, body and talents be the best they can. It should also build their respect for other people and the world around them. In particular, they should learn to respect: their rights and the rights of others.

SDG 5 -  Gender Equality



Please check Seesaw to view our PE days for this half term. Swimming will take place every Friday. 

Below, is our curriculum map for this half term, showcasing the exciting things we will be learning about this half term.

Please make sure to check Seesaw for regular updates about our learning, homework and announcements.


Miss Thorpe. 

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